"We need to talk," Julian said softly as he eyed the man. Zackariah's feet continued to pet as small huffs came from his mouth. He looked down at the timer on the bike.
"Can't this wait?" He asked, tired. Julian merely shook his head, thus causing the man to stop. He took several deep breaths before hiking his leg over and wobbling to his feet. "Alright, alright...gimme a minute to change and...uh...wash up a bit. I don't think you want to be close to someone who smells like sweat." The raven-haired man grinned, tired, though Julian just shrugged. He wasn't going to fall for his charm today.
The man returned, his gym clothes discarded and he carried the faint scent of lime. He cracked his neck slightly, "I'm hungry. Don't mind if we head over to one of my favorite places, do you?"
"As long as you're the one paying."
"Aw. Don't the French do the Dutch thing?"
"Nope." Julian turned, quickly walking out of the gym as the smell of burly men agitated his nose. The clearly disappointed Zackariah soon followed.

Zack led Julian to a nice little cafe. The atmosphere was much different than that of Strawberry Bistro, he noticed. It was much more urban, with light jazz and cigarette smoke in the air. They settled at a small table, waiting for one of the waitresses to come to them. Julian sat with his hands in his lab, his eyes focusing on the crystal vase while the raven-haired man hummed softly to the jazz playing in the background. Then their eyes met, as Julian bravely looked past the vase. "Now...Jules? Julian? Julie?"
"Julian, please."
"Right. Julian...there must've been a reason why you interrupted my work out, right?"
"Ah..right..." Julian cleared his throat, "Yes. I was actually in the pottery class next door, talking to a friend when one of the instructors there told me you were a regular to this gym..."
"You were talking about me?"
"Yes....you did come up. We were really talking about Gabe, though."

"So what's the deal with you two?" Zackariah said bluntly as he raised a brow, catching Julian off guard. "Don't act like you don't know. You've given me nothing but grief about him. What, is he your ex or something?" Julian chuckled, as if he found the idea to be ludicrous. "Don't laugh! I'm serious!" The man grumbled, "I mean...dude, you interrupted our date, tried to tell me to stay away from him...what's your damage?"
"No, it's not like that. I've never dated him. I'm just a concerned friend. I've...heard things that've made me worried and...well....I admit. I'm a bit jealous. You're taking my friend away."
"Heard things?"
"It's nothing. I just wanted to sit down and find out what's going on with you two. You've just met and you seem so..."
"Into him?"
"Yeah. To be honest, I understand why he acts how he acts around you. He has this immense crush on you. He's always had ever since Aleera described you to him about a year ago."
"Did she now? What did she say?"
"Something about you being a stalker, a creep and calling you Captain Grab Ass....Somehow, Gabe fell in love with this lovely resume of yours. Don't ask me why. His romantic interests have always been strange."
"So, I'm some sort of masturbation fodder to him?"
"If you want to be so blunt, yes. And that's what worries me...he's in love with the image of you, so he's really blind to the real you and...he'll only end up getting hurt."
"Can I ask you something?"
"How did you two meet?" Julian stared at the man, as he leaned back in the chair, "Come on. Tell me. I'm curious. What made you care so much about him? You guys childhood friends?"
"Ah...well...no...I guess it wouldn't hurt..."
"Come on. Entertain me. The waitresses are ungodly slow..."
"Alright then..."

"Where to begin...hm. Well, I'm a plastic surgeon, a rather successful one if I do say so myself. After working under other surgeons, I earned enough money to run my own clinic. At the time, I was renting an office up town, just off of Cinder Ridge. I own it now but all this occurred about three years ago."
"You've only known him three years?"
"Don't interrupt...where was I? Ah, yes...I had just opened my clinic and was trying to get as many customers as I could. My sister, Faye...you know her, I'm sure...well, she's the one who suggested to Gabriel to visit me. See, Gabriel, as you've probably become aware of, is a bit gender-confused. He has been, apparently, since he was about 15...anyway, he was considering a sex change for the longest time but didn't know any good surgeons so...he was given my number and made an appointment to come in for facial feminization surgery, or at least a consultation. Let me tell you...my receptionist and I both agreed...he really didn't need it it . The moment he walked in, she swore he was already a woman."

"I had never actually seen Gabriel before this but I expected to see someone masculine, though someone still resembling Aleera as he is, indeed, her twin. But my goodness...the moment he walked into my personal office to discuss what exactly he wanted, I thought he was a woman. He's just so feminine, you know. His body is quite curvy and even without the aid of a stuffed bra...well, anyway. I was a bit taken back but tried to act professional. I could tell he was a bit nervous too."

"I introduced myself properly and he did the same. He told me about how he knew Faye, though his sister and how he was surprised to learn she had not only a brother but six and one was a surgeon!"
"Six? Jesus, your mom's vagina must be like a slip n' slide."
"I'd rather you not speak about Mother that way...anyway...I was equally surprised by the fact Aleera's twin was not at all like her. He was quite gentle and sweet, even his voice was softer...Heh. After introductions, the first thing he said was 'My god! Don't you eat?!' I was too skinny for his taste, I guess. He really fretted over my health. Sweet dear..A bit unorthodox, so I quickly changed the subject to him."

"I began examining his body, offering my thoughts on what he wanted. His goal was to become a woman...mostly. He was quite attached with the very thing that made him a man so...well. I told him I could work around it. His body would be easy to work with. It was already, as I said, feminine. I suggested, after the facial reconstruction, we begin on a breast augmentation. He seemed thrilled with the idea but told me he had little money. He didn't have a real job in those days. But he was a friend's brother so I offered him a discount. He was quite pleased."

"Despite his lack of funds, he paid me extra for the consultation. He handed me the money and said, 'Go get a veggie burger!' Heh...he didn't let up about my weight. I simply laughed and told him we'd set up another appointment within a week. I...uh...also asked him to wear something more...flattering. As I was examining his leg structure, I could see a...vibrant pink cloth between his legs and...well. It was distracting. He didn't mind my request, though. He said he was flattered that I was the only one who noticed that his skirt was too short. I had an eye for admiring his body, he said."

"After that day, we set up a few more consultations but in the end, Gabe never actually got the surgery. He still hung out in the clinic, though. For about a month, he even became a receptionist to help out Heather when work got really busy. Then I got him a job with my eldest brother, Antoine. We stayed in touch and...well...here are. I even helped get him and Aleera their apartment."

Julian sighed dreamily. "And that's it. We met, bonded and became best friends."
"Uh...huh. And you lost money because of him."
"Well, yes....but he's also brought me much business. Many of his transgender friends come to me now. So it all worked out. I gained a friend and clients."
"I see. 3 years yet...you act like you've known him for years."
"I know...but he is very precious to me..."

"...Just as Aleera is to you, yes?" Julian asked curiously, "Tell me, now...what makes you like Aleera so much? And is that way you like Gabriel?" Zackariah scratched his forehead uncomfortably.
"Eeeh...I guess..."
"What are your intentions with Gabe? Do you love him or are you just using him to get to Aleera?"