"Something funny, french boy?" A familiar voice came along. Julian paused and looked down at a nearby bench, his eyes glaring as he spotted the voice's body.
"What are you doing here?" Julian tried to mind his manners, keeping his voice from breaking due to contempt. Zackariah shrugged, flipping a page of his newspaper.
"I felt like getting out. Is that so wrong?"
"It's just...this isn't exactly your part of town, is it?"
"Not really. I'm not made for this high class crap but hey, I can still enjoy the public service of benches, can't I?"
"Mmhm...I suppose..."
"Can I help that I happen to choose the bench closest to sweet ol' Gabe and lovely Aleera?"
"No...I don't suppose so..."
"That's right. It's just luck."

"I'll be seeing you then," Julian started to walk away, but stopping as Zack spoke once more.
"Hey hey...why the rush?"
"I have work to do."
"Dressed like that?"
"This is the only thing, pajama pants aside, that I own now. Well...technically not own, so much as borrowing but you get the picture."
"Oh, right. I heard about that...your apartment complex was the one that caught fire, right?"
"I wasn't aware news spread so quickly to the ghetto."
"You'd be surprised. So where are you staying? Don't tell me...."
"Yes. I'm staying with Aleera and Gabriel," Julian said with a cunning smile. He could see Zackariah's slight disappointment but it was quickly covered with an equally devious smile.
"That's kind of them, inviting you to stay...how long will you be with them? Surely you have enough big bucks to buy your own place, right?"
"I don't know. I like living without carpet or heating, while dodging flying bottles of rum and trying to sleep through moaning Swedish pop. It could be several months...a year, even. Well, I ought to go and make sure Aleera hasn't tried feeding the television whiskey again. Oh and...one more thing. That newspaper? It's outdated by a month." Zackariah looked back at the paper as the blonde man slipped away around the corner, satisifed.

Julian had knocked on the door, which was securly locked, for about ten minutes before he simply used a pen he had in his pocket to pick the lock. He wondered if Aleera was out, which would explain the locked door but the moment he entered, he heard the loud roar of, "Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!" followed by some mediocre sound effects. He knew she must've been home. He followed the sound to the living room, finding a clothed Aleera laying lazily on the couch with a remote in her hands. Aleera noticed him, looking over her shoulder."You back already? Where's the dork?"
"He...had a bit of a spill so he's resting up back at Koushi. Nando told me to come home, though."
"Ah...wanna sit?"
"I would like to. My feet are feeling rather sore. I unfortunately lost my comfy shoes in the fire." Aleera grumbled as she slowly pushed herself up, making room for Julian to sit at the end of the couch. Julian squirmed as he sat. The couch was very uncomfortable.
"We got it out of the trash for free so don't complain," Aleera scolded as she saw his discomfort.

Julian noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He turned and saw four pictures on the wall, three of them singular and one group photo. Automatically, he recognized a very young Aleera and Gabriel. Gabe was as adorable then as he was now, he thought. But the third picture was of someone he had not seen before. "Aleera..." He spoke up, "Who is that woman in that picture there?" He remembered seeing another picture of the woman in Gabriel's room but he had never asked who she was. Aleera turned the TV off before answering him.
"Hm? Oh...that's Freja Rose. She was our mom for a while." Julian looked at her, slightly confused.
"Excuse me?"

"See, when we were kids...like...really little kids, our mom didn't want us anymore so she just dumped us off at some church. We lived there for a while and it was fun. But then the church burned down so we had to go someplace else. Luckily, one of the church's patrons liked us enough to take us in. So we lived with Miss Freja up until we were like...10. Then Mom wanted us back and probably sucked off some judge to let her take us back. And then...well, you know the rest, dontcha? I ran off, Gabe started wearing girl clothes and being more of a mom to Morticia than Mom was..."
"I see. That's news to me. Could explain why Gabe is always in awe of my family life, despite its problems."
"Yeah. Compared to us, your family is perfect. At least both your parents raised you. Dad doesn't care about anyone but himself and Mom's too busy gambling away Morticia's child support. I feel bad, you know...not staying when I oughta've, for Morticia's sake...but she had Gabriel. And now she has Ryu and Morrigan, so she's fine."

"But I remember it was so hard...living on couches without my brother by my side. Sure, this life has sucked but at least I always had him waddling behind me, begging me to slow down for him so he could catch up. But I was at the point where he couldn't keep up anymore and it scared me, you know?"
"The bonds of twins are strong, I hear."
"They are...I really missed him. I went five months without seeing him, because he could never make enough time to meet me at places and I didn't want to see my mom. It sucked. Thankfully, your sister fell into my lap around that time so at least I had someone to talk to. Granted, she wasn't exactly fluent in English at the point so conversation did sorta suck."

"I know exactly what you mean. Living away from home, it gets lonely. I suppose I was lucky...my family has always kept in close distance to me. Antoine and Faye both moved here with me and Mother visits at least once a month with Edouard."
"Have you even told your parents about the fire yet?"
"Haven't had the chance. I'm going to wait to tell them..."
"Until?""Until I have a new place, a new boyfriend and am fifty."

Aleera yawned for a moment before getting up. "Where are you going?" Julian asked. Aleera stood there, rocking her head from side to side as her bones cracked.
"Mmm...I think I'm going to go get some coffee from Starbucks. You want some?"
"Yes, please. Extra cream and sugar, if you will."
"Alright, sugarfreak..."
"Aleera, wait a minute."
"Beaware. A certain gentleman, and I use the term loosely, is around the corner."
"Oh, goodie. See, this is what I told you. He's going to stalk me now and it is only a matter of time before he winds up sneaking in to steal my panties. If he takes my favorite pair of black panties, I'm kicking Gabe's ass and taking his pair instead."
"...Alright then." That was information best left unsaid. They really shared everything, didn't they?