"Was there a reason behind Antoine being a dick on the way home?" Gabe asked as he and Julian turned the corner. The blonde man looked at him and shrugged.
"Mom was fussing about his hair. Said it was hiding his pretty face."
"That's no reason to almost drive us into a ditch."
"I suppose. But Antoine is very...attached to his hairstyle."
"I suppose I feel him. If someone told me to cut my hair, I'd try to set them on fire with hairspray and a lighter."
"You'd look odd with short hair."

"Do you think Aleera's ruined the house?"
"Hm? Naw...well, no more than it already is ruined. She tends to just sleep when I'm gone."
"I see."
"Probably still sleeping too."

The duo stopped at the front door, as Gabe lifted up the welcome mat and took out the key. "It might just be me...but I think Aleera hasn't been herself lately."
"Oh?" Julian asked with concern. He supposed if anyone could figure out Aleera, it would be her twin. But she hadn't seemed any different lately, had she? She was still the chain-smoking, alcoholic they all knew and loved. "What makes you say that?"
"I dunno. It's just...before we left, she seemed distracted."
"She was watching her novellas."
"Well yeah but when I usually talk to her while she watches her novellas, she at least throws a bottle at my head. This time, she just mumbled."
"Would you rather she throw a bottle at you?"
"Well no but...oh, nevermind." Gabe growled in defeat as he unlocked the door and pushed it open. He walked in first, giving the key to Julian who then placed it back under the mat. "Al, we're back." Julian looked over Gabe's shoulder at the kitchen. All was just as they had left it that morning, as if Aleera hadn't even wandered in for a snack. "Al?" Gabe called again. There was no answer. Gabe looked around before walking to the right, taking the door into the living room. Julian raised his eye at the rotten omelette Gabe had left on the counter before following.

"Here you are." Julian was slightly spooked when Gabe finally spoke as he walked around the couch and stopped. Julian walked to the other side and saw a pair of feet sticking out. His heart jumped and he continued to move to the front of the couch. He choked the moment he saw Aleera.
"Is she alright?" He asked in a slight panic. Gabe raised his hand and waved him off, not at all bothered by the sight of his sister on the floor.
"She's fine. She's not even sleeping. Are you, lazy ass?" He gave her head a slight tap with his boot. She grumbled, her eyes squinting but did not get up. "Come on, get up. Why are you on the floor?"
"'Cause it's cold. The air conditioner is broken."

"So, you have fun at the prissy farm?"
"Aleera, that's not nice."
"So? Jules, you don't take offense, do you?"
"Not at all."
"Then it's all good."
"Al, the floor is dirty. Why don't you get on the couch?"
"I don't want to."
"Get up."
"Make me."
"Don't test me. I will."
"Bring it, pansy."
"Fine. Julian, grab her legs."
"Wait, what?"

After a bit of a struggle, the two men were able to drag Aleera onto the raggedy couch. She crossed her arms and huffed, as Julian went off into the corner to nurse his wounds. The woman had very strong legs. Gabriel kept close to the beast, his courage far surpassing that of the blonde man. "Aleera, you look tired."
"You woke me up, remember?"
"Not that. Have you been drinking?"
"That's an awfully stupid question, don't you think?"
"She has a point, Gabe."
"Hush before I tell your brother you nearly got your family jewels crushed by my sister's foot."

"Now, Aleera...you know how I feel about your drinking..."
"Yeah, yeah...ruining my young, beautiful body...blah blah blah...."
"Yes...but there's another reason I don't want you to drink so heavily."
"What now, oh prim and proper brother of mine?"
"Well...Zackariah called while I was away..."
"He did?" Aleera and Julian asked in unison. Julian was particularly shocked. When did he call? Gabe was almost always in close proximity. The only way he could have called would be if Gabe was in the bathroom. Then it clicked. Gabe went to the bathroom many a time, as if planned.
"Mmhm. And he's going to be taking me out this weekend and since this will be our 5th date, I'm going to let him in when he brings me home. I do not want the house to smell like a dumpster an-"

"What the hell, Gabe?!" Aleera shouted, causing her brother to tip over in surprise. "You invited that motherfucker over here without my consent!?"
"I wasn't aware I needed it."
"Like hell you do! I'm the oldest. I'm in charge."
"Aleera, you're only nine minutes older and we're both adults. No one is in charge of no one."
"Bullshit. I have a right to know these things. Why the fuck do you want him here anyways? Why are you even still on his balls? He's bad news, Gabe."

"Because I happen to like him and I was hoping you'd be more supportive. What, are you both against me now?"
"Don't bring me into this, Gabe."
"Sorry, Jules. Why are you overreacting, Aleera? You don't even have to see him."
"I don't have to but somehow, I will. He's lying to you, Gabe. He's a lying cheat."
"How do you know that?"
"I just do. If you want a guy with long black hair and piercings, for God's sake, I'll go find you one."

"Why are you acting so weird?"