"Aleera..." Julian started. He rose off the couch, walking up to Aleera. The woman stopped back, eyebrow arched.
"Tch...yeah?" She asked roughly. Julian knew she probably was uncomfortable with his closeness. Her personal space bubble was slightly larger than most people's. Still, he had to let her see his agony for herself.
"You have to help us...help Gabe. Please."
"What exactly do you want me to do, first of all?" She asked, looking pass the desperate man.

"I have an idea. Childish, I will admit it is...but we are not dealing with an adult. This entire situation is grade school-level," Antoine grumbled lowly as he rested his arms on his calves. "Now...all of us here are aware Julian is, for some strange reason, deeply in love...love, I say, not lust...with Gabriel. Now, unforunately, Gabriel is infatuated with Zackariah. Aleera, I am quite sure you are aware that Zackariah has a strange lust for you." Aleera rolled her eyes.
"Yes, well....He has informed Julian, threats aside, that he plans on getting you to himself. His way of doing this? Apparently, he will sleep with your brother until the opportunity arises for him to advance onto you. I suppose he believes that Gabe is the link to you...being your twin, you are undoubtly close to him. So anyone close to him is, therefore, close to you...understand?"
"He seriously told you that?" Aleera asked as she looked back at Julian. Julian nodded. Antoine continued.
"Of course, you do not wish to become Mrs. Dimartino....Gabe unfortunately does. Frankly, I could care less what the little one does to himself but you and Julian are caught in this web as well so the only solution is to convince Gabe to move on from his silly fantasies and leave Zack nothing to go on. Words will not work, we have already tried. Action is called for, then."
"Get to the point, would you?"
"I suggest you use the man's infatuation for you to lure him into a trap. A trap that will expose him to Gabe. Gabe was a spatial learner in school, yes? So by seeing, he will believe."

Julian thought about it as his brother explained it. The idea was good, simple and childish as he said but good. Gabe wouldn't be able to turn down proof he'd seen himself, right?
"Wait, wait wait..." Aleera wagged her finger, "Hold on....are you actually sugges-"
"Yes. I am. Use what God gave you, woman. Seduce the man in the presence of your brother."
"What the fuck!?" She cursed angrily. Her expression clearly told Julian she wasn't on board. "I am not giving that creep anymore reason to stalk me. Thanks to frickin' dumbass, he knows where I live now! I'm just waiting for the day he sneaks in and waits for me, naked on my bed. Ugh! Forget it! I'm sorry, Jules, but no."

"Aleera..." Faye spoke up as she turned her head towards her friend. Aleera growled at her.
"Think about it. If you do this, Suicide will have no more ways to get to you. With Gabe finally in on it all, he'll add more protection for you. Besides...you owe them both, Gabe and Julian. They both deserve happiness and you deserve peace. With Gabe dating Suicide, he is going to always be around you...right?"
"...That's true..."
"But if Gabe starts dating Julian, you will only have to worry about the two of them stealing your curtains."
"That's true..."
"So...will you help?" Julian asked her again. Aleera looked at all those in the room for a moment. Then a large sigh left her chest.
"When you do bed my brother, try to keep it down, okay?"

The group, which Faye affectionally dubbed the STTA (Save The Tranny Association), then began perfecting the plan. They would have Aleera approach Zack, proclaiming her love. Then, she'd suggest they go consumate their newfound relationship at her abode. Just as she was getting the target in place, the others would push Gabe to return home from his job at the same time, with promises of make overs and candy. Then the inevitable discovery...yes. The plan was sure to work, they were convinced. But what if it didn't? Julian wondered.
"Can I use your phone, Antoine?"
"Hm? Sure, it's in the kitchen....who're you calling?"
"Uh, Heather. My secratary. I want to make sure she called and confirmed tomorrow's appointments."
"Ah, yes. In the kitchen, then."

Julian knew what he was going to say. He didn't like what he was going to say. He didn't want to say what he was going to say. But he had to say it. What if the plan failed? He'd have to go another three years without saying it. And that was killing him.

"Gabe? It's me."
"Juuuulian! Hey, haven't talked to you in a while. How've you been?"
"Good, good. You?"
"Fantastic. I got a compliment today! Granted, not sure the guy knew I was a man but...compliments are always nice. What're you up to?"
"Not much...not much...I love you."
"I...I love you."
"Aw, I love you too."

"No, I don't think you understand. I'm in love with you."
"Julian, did you forget to wear your mask again?"
"I'm not high, Gabriel. I've wanted to tell you this since I first met you three years, six months, and two hours ago. I love you. More than someone should love someone else, I'm sure."
"Um....I think I'll talk to you later then..."
"Ah...right. Good bye then...be safe."
"Uuuuh...yeah. Buh bye, Jules."

"I'm going to start dinner now."
"Oh oh! I'll help!"
"Just don't make my microwave implode again, okay?"
"Whatever, that only happened one time an-...Julian?"
"Julian, dear? You okay?"
"I am offically a loser."
But a loser with a free concious.
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