"Are they EVER going to stop arguing?" Faye growled in irritation, tapping her foot impatiently. Dafne looked at her with empathy. Then she turned her eyes to the parked car, shaking her head slightly. She let out a soft sigh. She had more patience than the blonde next to her but she had to admit, she too was becoming tired of it all. She, who knew her husband more than his own family did, could not comprehend his distain for the cross dresser in their midst. He was so angry when Julian told him Gabe was invited as well. He almost refused to come. But Dafne begged him to come. She loved it when they visited his mother. Antoine was hesitant but agreed. That didn't stop his need to showcase his less-than-cheery feelings, though.

"What the hell are you wearing? Have you no manly pride left?" Antoine hissed as his fingers gripped the steering wheel tightly.
"It's not like anything is showing. Just admit it, you're jealous because I look good." Julian just watched as his brother and Gabriel glared at each other, too weak to speak up for either side. The two of them were strong personalities, so it was no surprise to see them clash. Julian just wish they'd get along for once, especially on days such as this.
"Believe it or not, but you are indeed a male. What you do in your freetime is your own business but I expected you'd show me and my family a bit more respect and wear something decent."
"I was going to wear my lolita dress but I couldn't find it." Antoine reared around, glaring at Julian.
"Did you not suggest he wear some slacks!?"
"I...I did but...it's his choice, Antoine."
"Thank you, Julian. Now how about we get out of this stuffy car already? I'm looking forward to some...what did you call them, Jules? Calissons?"
"Fine but I'm watching you. I will not have you embarress myself nor Julian in front of Mother."
The boys left the car, much to the girls' relief. They began walking from the driveway to the front entrnace, Gabriel becoming further entranced by the row of sunflowers that led them. "They're so big..." Julian turned his head slightly and smiled at the curious look on Gabriel's face.
"Mother has a green thumb, you see. Gardening is one of her favorite things to do. Those flowers have been there since before I was born. I think she started planting them when she was pregnant with Gerard. Right, Antoine?"
"That's right," Antoine spoke softly as they reached the front door. He stepped in front of them and knocked. They waited until the faint voice beckoned.
"Come in!"

The group entered the house, finding themselves in a small living room of sorts. "I see they got a new rug," Faye said coldly. Julian looked at her. He knew she didn't have fond memories here. Neither did he but he was better at hiding it. Julian then looked at Gabriel, who's eyes lit up at the room. He seemed so amazed by the simplistic elegance. His attention was torn away when the door opened. Before them stood a woman who very much resembled Faye, her appearance small and doll-like. But the way she stood, Gabriel noticed, made him think of Julian or Dafne.

"I'm so glad you all made it," The woman spoke in a honey-silk voice, her tone motherly and gentle. Her accent reminded Gabriel of Julian, when they first met. His wasn't as thick as Faye's had been but it was there. Gabriel missed it, thinking about it now. The man had lost it, it seemed, in recent years. "I tried to get the others to come but...well. You know how your brothers can be. They're far too busy with their lives to come visit their mama."
"That's selfish of them," Julian said softly which caused Gabriel to raise a brow. Julian rarely said a hurtful word about his family, his father aside. "Antoine and I are busy as well but we still make time to come see you...or at least call."
"What about me?" Faye said, noticing how she was excluded.
"You're not busy. You're lazy. But you still call, so it's okay."

The three of them gathered around the woman, giving and recieving kisses. Antoine then cleared his throat. "Mama, you remember Dafne..." The brunette beamed when she laid her light blue eyes on the black-haired woman.
"Ah! Dafne! It is so good to see you."
"Likewise, Madam Beauvais et Bedeau."
"I just recieved a beautiful dress from my sister that would suit you well. You must come to the parlor later to try it on, yes?"
"Oh course." Julian bit his lip. Should he introduce Gabe now? Antoine waited but realizing his brother was still contemplating it, he decided to give him a hand.
"Mama, this is Gabriel Akamatseru. He's Julian's friend." Gabe turned around, becoming aware he was now being spoken of. "Gabriel...this is our mother, Marie." Gabriel walked past Julian, closer to Marie and the two of them stared at each other. Finally, he grinned and took her hand. He brought his lips to it.
"Pleasure to meet you, Madam." Marie's lips curled. She bent a little, giving a small curtsey.
"Charmed, Monsieur Gabriel."

After the greetings, the group settled down as Marie returned behind the door. She entered again, holding a large tray with a tea pot and several cups. She tenderly lifted the glass from the tray and arranged them on a small circular table, finally sitting herself once her task was complete. "I must ask for your patience and forgiveness. The desserts are still being prepared."
"I am sure they will be delicious," Dafne said cheerfully. This caused Marie's face to display a somewhat mischievious look as she looked at the woman intently.
"Ah, in the meantime..." Marie began delicately, "Dafne, my dear...how old are you again?"
"Yes, that's right. So...tell me...when can I expect some grandchildren? I do so miss the pitter-patter of little feet."

Antoine quickly looked away, trying to avoid the question as Dafne's cheeks became a thick rouge color. Faye let out a snort as Julian felt deep pity for his brother. Gabriel let his two cents be heard, "This'll be good..." Dafne thought for a moment, her eyes peering around as if to find her words.
"Um...well. That's...hm."
"It's been an idea," Antoine said softly though it was clear in his voice that he was...dare Julian say it? Nervous?
"Yes...um, we've talked about it. I mean...I would love to have a child. But it's just not in the near future for us yet."
"I see. A shame. I would really like some before I am too old."
"Well, Julian can always give you some." Antoine shrugged.

Julian shot him a look. "What?" Antoine asked threateningly, causing the blonde man to soften his gaze. "Mother wouldn't object to adopted children."
"Or you could do like that couple on Oprah," Gabe said thoughtfully. Julian looked at him, having never watched a show in his life. "You know...find yourself a tranny to bear your child. One who was biologically female but is a man now."
"Creepy," Both Antoine and Faye said with a shudder.

"Is not! It's perfectly natural. I mean, if seahorses can have kids..."
"You know what, Gabe? Be quiet. Sit there and look pretty."
Marie stared on as her children argued amongst themselves. Her gaze was fixed, however, one the one who was not related to her.

Holding up her hand caused the room to settle into a silence. Clearing her throat, Marie looked down at the teapot. "It would seem we've almost finished it. I have another pot waiting. Ooh, and the treats should be done now. But it will be awfully hard to carry it all. Gabriel! Won't you be a dear and come help me?"
"Mama, why don't I help you?"
"Naw, it's cool, Jules. Sure, Mrs. Beau! Lead the way."

"Such a gentleman you are, Gabriel..."
"Anything for sweet little ol' ladies. And their sugary treats."