"Mm..." Julian felt himself almost tip over as he closed the dresser and finished adjusting his tie. "Damnit...it's bad enough he uses me but if I accidently cut off someone's ear today because of him...." He shook his head. No matter what happened yesterday, he'd end up forgiving the clueless boy and watch as said boy skips off merrily. It was an endless cycle that neither of them wanted to break. Or so it seemed.

His mood did seem to change as he walked to the office. Julian loved the neighborhood he lived in. It always seemed to calm him. Unlike the place he found himself in some weeks earlier, his neighborhood was clean and quiet. He particularly enjoyed the park that was across the street. Not only was it a peaceful place to get work done, it was a bit of a short cut to the building where his office was. So often, he traveled through the park to get to work. Since he left early, there were usually no other people in the park. Occasionally, he'd pass a jogger or a dog walker but usually, it was just him and Mother Nature. Her sweet embrace seemed to calm his nerves, momentarily allowing him to forget about his own problems.
But she never always kept him distracted. "Hm?" His eyes looked up from the dirt path when he saw a pair of boots. His gaze continued to rise, immediately recognizing the owner of the boots. "Dafne..." The raven-haired woman looked up from her book, puzzled at first. Then a soft smile appeared as she replied.
"Julian, what a surprise. It's been a while."
"Too long, in fact. You haven't been working at the bistro, have you? Antoine tells me you're still recovering?"
"Ah, yeah. The surgery really took alot out of me so Ant gave me some time off. He's a sweetie, he is. He's actually doing housework too. He gets mad if I even try to pick up a duster." The two laughed at the thought of an apron-clad rampaging french man, wielding a broom as if it were a sword. The girl closed her book momentarily, laying her finger on the page. "Come, sit. Antoine tells me things have gotten...bothersome. I'd like to hear about it...if you have the time." Julian's smiled faded. She knew too. It seemed the whole world knew of his dilhema. Still, he wasn't about to refuse her.
"Sure. I have some time before work. It won't take me long to get there."

Julian explained all he could. His feelings for Gabriel, Gabriel's feelings for Zackariah...everything up until last night. The girl listened closely, never interrupting. Julian liked that about Dafne. She was a quiet girl by nature, never wanting to speak up but would rather listen. He supposed it worked well. Being with someone like Antoine, one's only option was to listen. "So...that's the situation. I'm jealous and he is oblivious," Julian concluded his rant. The girl nodded, rubbing her chin.
"I see. Well...we all know Gabriel was a blonde in a past life...ah! No offense!"
"None taken. I agree. He's not exactly a bright one and that's my problem. I don't know HOW to explain it to him."
"Well...you just need to think on it. But not too much thinking or else you'll over rationalize and become depressed and...yeah. Antoine doesn't like when you're sad, you know. And when Antoine is mad..."
"I know. I apologize. The things you deal with...you are truly admirable, Dafne." The woman blushed, flattered by the compliment.
"Oh, stop. Anyways...I don't want to keep you from work but...if you have some free time later, you should stop by my pottery class. I don't know if it will work for you but pottery always helps me think clearly." Julian stared at her for a moment. Pottery? It was an odd suggestion but perhaps she was right? Dafne never did seem over stressed or worried.
"Alright...I'll stop by sometime later."

True to his word, Julian called a cab after work which took him to the downtown area where Dafne's pottery class was. He'd been there only once before, to pick the girl up when his brother could not. The place was strange, he had to admit. It was occupied mostly by women, many of whom smelled like hemp. He just felt out of his comfort zone. But if Dafne thought it was a good idea, who was he to say no? He hesitantly entered the small building, the heavy mixture of clay and new age music almost bombarding him.
"Julian! Over here!" He heard over the soft cooing of what he assumed was a Norweigan milkmaid the voice of Dafne. The raven haired girl, her hands visibly dirty, came rushing over to him. "I'm glad you could make it! I have a wheel set up for you, right next to mine."
"That sounds great. Thank you, once again, for inviting me."
"No problem!"
Julian soon found himself trying to sculp a simple plate. It was difficult but, surprising, it made him happy. Dafne stood beside him, helping him keep the clay steady. All the while, the two conversed about various things. Laughter was the main outcome of this little escapade, something Julian was glad for. The woman was right. This really was a soothing activity. "I'm really having a good time, Dafne. I could get used to this."
"I know, right? You should sign up for classes. I bet it'd help keep your mind off Gabriel and Zackariah."
"Zackariah, you say?" A third voice suddenly entered the conversation. The wheels stopped momentarily as both Dafne and Julian turned to face the woman who sat behind a sewing machine.
"Thelma? You know Zackriah?" Dafne asked curiously. The woman nodded, putting down her book.
"Yah. That nice young man passes by here each day, you know. He is a member of the gym next door."
"...really?" Julian asked. The woman nodded.
"Mmhm. I could've sworn he just passed about an hour ago." Dafne turned to Julian, noticing his thinking look.
"Julian? Are you gonna go talk to him?"
"Maybe...but what would I say?"
"Um...figure out why he won't leave Gabriel alone? Maybe let him know how you feel?"
"And get him to lose my number, of course."
"Of course."

And there he was, just as Thelma said. Julian felt even more out of his comfort zone. He wasn't an artsy type of guy but even more than that, he wasn't a fitness jock either. Julian never worked out. He never really had to. The boy had such a high metabolism, he never seemed to gain weight. Surely, if he worked out, he'd whittle down to dust. So it was never a hobby of his. It was no surprise to find his competition enjoyed it, though. At least it meant he too had to work for his good looks, just like normal people. A normal person was an easier person to defeat.
Julian didn't know why he didn't feel nervous as he approached the man. There was a sudden newfound confidence lingering within him. Maybe, just maybe, if he talked to Zack...thinks would work out, he thought. He passed several body builders, all of whom followed him with their eyes. Yet Zackariah never lifted his own gaze. It was for the best. If he had noticed prematurely, Julian was sure he'd simply freeze up.
"....Zackariah?" The man finally noticed Julian, looking up from the meter on the bike. His expression was a mix of confusion and exhaustion.
"Eh? Julian, was it?"
"Got a minute? I need to talk to you. Again."