From the bistro, Julian walked east. Now that he no longer had a distraction, he was able to follow the route faithfully. His apartment wasn't that far away but it required driving, as to not tire out his weak leg muscles. He relaxed at the bus stop as the sun disappeared behind tall buildings. The bus was notoriously late but Julian didn't mind. This gave him time to think in peace, without having to worry about strange scene kids making out in front of him. As usual, Gabriel was on his mind. 'Funny', he thought to himself. 'I've known you only three years yet...how is it you affect me so?' Such strong emotions came along with the package of love. Jealousy. Fear. Doubt.
Jealousy was most dominant. Gabriel was oblivious to the bombardment of love at his left. He was far too enveloped in the air of ignorance that lingered to his right. Zackariah. That name was now etched into Julian's mind. It was he who caused this, wasn't it? He had planned it all along, hadn't he? Seriously, who could resist those eyes which seemed to turn all those who they touched into gibberish-speaking fanboys? Those lips, so inviting and tempting, were probably used as a piper's flute, to lead away all romantic prospects into madness. Julian's thoughts continued, even after he boarded the bus. They waltzed inside his head, only coming to a finish when he started up the painted stairs of his home.
He entered the lobby and approached one of the elevators. It was late, so he had to be quiet. Luckily, his mind resisted his heart's pleas to mumble aloud in a drunken fashion. His weary eyes focused as his index finger selected the proper floor button. He was tired. Dinner would, no doubt, be skipped tonight.

Julian walked from the elevator to his door. He dug into his jean's pocket, pulling out a small ring with several keys. He selected a gold key and popped it into an identical knob. A click sung out and he twirled the knob, opening the door. The air was cold, just as he left it that morning. He walked in, shutting the door behind him. "I'm home..." He spoke to no one as he slipped off his shoes at the door and placed his keys into a small ceramic bowl on a nearby shelf. The kitchen greeted him first, tempting him with delicious looking snack cakes. But as he decided earlier, there would be no feast. He was tired.
He started down the hallway to his bedroom when a speck of blonde caught his eye. He walked back, stopping at the doorway to the living room. He walked into the room, the speck becoming a full head of hair resting on a couch. "Faye?" A head popped up behind the couch. The young girl spoke, her voice visibly tired.
"Eh? Oh, bonjour frere! You're home late..." Her eyes questioned him. "Where were you?"
"Better question," Julian shook his head in confusion, "How'd you get in without a key?" The blonde girl smiled and sat up, her hand patting the free space at her side.
"Maintenant qu'est un secret...come, sit. You look as tired as I am."

Knowing his question would never be answered, Julian took her up on her offer. A slight moan escaped his mouth, his body enjoying the soft plush of his couch. Faye looked at her brother with large eyes and a small smile.
"Ah....my lunch ran a bit late."
"Ooooh. You and Gabriel have a nice time?" Her brother smiled, as he always did. But he noticed she didn't smile back. Instead, she seemed troubled. So he felt the need to explain. After all, if he didn't, she would nag him until he did.
"Yes....and no. I mean, I enjoy every millisecond I get to spend with him. And of course, Antoine's desserts never seem to fail in taste. But something...interesting happened and I must admit, it left me distracted. Not that he noticed, mind you." Faye laughed. She know what he meant. She had known Gabriel longer than her brother, through Gabriel's sister. Obliviousness seemed to run in the family.
"What happened?"
"Well, on the way to the Bistro, I got lost. A nice man gave me a ride but...well. Turns out it was Zackariah. You know...that guy Gabriel is infatuated with?" Faye scratched her head, her memory almost as slow as her brother's.
"The one who constantly hits on Aleera?" Julian gasped.
"You mean they're the same guy?"
"I think so. I mean, how many guys named Zackariah live in this city? But yeah. There's this guy who is named Zackariah who like...stalks Aleera. And I think she told me that he met Gabriel and...it makes sense, right?" Faye asked. She turned to her brother, who was deep in thought. She waited before speaking again. This time, she spoke more happily. "In any case, Jules...you shouldn't let it worry you. Even if Gabriel has a hard on for this guy, nothing will come of it as long as he is in love with Aleera." Julian shrugged. There was some truth in that.

Faye turned behind her, looking at the clock on the table. "Mm...it's late. I better get going. Unless...you want me to stay the night...?" Julian shook his head, standing.
"No, it's alright. I'll be fine. It was good seeing you, soeur." Faye rose as well, pouting slightly.
"Alright, if you say so. Call me if you need to, though. Je tu verrai demain?"
"Oui." The siblings embraced. Julian waved his sister off, hugging his arm as she disappeared down the hall. "For one so young, she is so full of wisdom..." But what else can you expect from someone who knows men such as she? Truly, the stripping business did have its perks.

Julian felt dizzy. A nice shower always made him feel better. So he entered his bathroom, removing his clothes and carefully climbed into the shower. The water was quite cold but his skin loved it so. After he had finished cleansing his body and hair, he let himself spend a bit more time in the watery confessional. He rested his bare skin against the glass surrounding him. Despite being drenched in freezing temperatures, his body remained flushed with warmth. "Go away..." He said reluctantly. A decent shower was all he wanted.

Giving up, he got out and dried himself off. He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked from the bathroom to his adjacent bedroom. He cooed as the warm carpet brushed against his feet. He opened up an armoire, pulling out a pajama set and quickly dressed himself. He climbed onto his bed, resting on his belly and waving his legs in the air. "Should I go straight to bed or finish up that book Shin gave me? God knows I'm tired but I do want to know what happens next...."

Deciding the latter route was best, Julian swung his legs over on the side of the bed. He was ready to get up when his eyes moved from the bookcase to the picture on his wall. "Not again. I've thought about you all day....please, just let me think about this book..." The voiceless picture seemed to mock him. That day, captured in time, seemed so happy when compared to now.

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Look. Looooook!"
"What, Gabe? What am I supposed to be looking at?"
"The sun, of course."
"Um, my vision is already bad. Please don't make it worse."
"Don't look directly at it, silly. Look at how it is reflecting off those leaves. Pretty, huh?"
"Why...yes. Very pretty."
"As pretty as me?"
"Your beauty isn't even remotely comparable to leaves, mon cher ami."
"Awww....Wait, what?"

Julian laughed softly. Those days were so innocent. Love was just blossoming, not demanding to be noticed. The sun barely even burned his eyes. But now, he noticed, the sun burned him everywhere. Clutching his body again, Julian changed his mind. "Sleep...yes. Work tomorrow. Must sleep..." A lie to himself. Tomorrow was Saturday. His colleague worked Saturdays. Julian had nothing to do. Still, his body slipped under the light blanket and sheet. He gave one last deep breath before his body became limp. Sleep had taken him. And he slept well into the morning, missing the sunrise he once loved so much. There would be others, right?
Others not as beautiful, not as welcoming...not as oblivious.

Still, when his body did wake, he was sure of one thing. It would be this sunrise he'd miss most.
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