He twirled the coffee cup in his hands, the caramel liquid splashing against the curved sides. "What am I gonna do?" He sighed, staring into the dark pool. It was obvious Zackariah found the situation amusing and thus, wasn't going to step off. No. It seemed he wanted to stir the pot, knowing he had power over Gabriel and be extension, Julian. "Prick..." Julian frowned, displeased at himself for thinking such things. But who could blame him? Gabe was completely ga-ga over someone with far more charm, more wit and more beauty than himself. There was no competition. There was no silver lining. There was no ho-

"Hey. You gonna acknowledge me or continue staring into space?"
"Ack!" Julian coughed as he fumbled the cup in his hands, careful not to cause it to spill. He steadied it, pushing it away from himself as his hands retreated back to his lap. "Sorry...didn't see you join me, Antoine." His face sunk down, his attention diverting from the man sitting across from him. Antoine glared, though whether it was intentional or just part of his normal expression was unknown.
"I saw what happened." Julian's face played on embarressment. So he had seen? His elder brother had just watch him be stepped all over. Fantastic.
"You have no spine," Antoine spoke bluntly. His brother flinched at the ferociousness in his voice. "Look, I know you're not the definition of manliness but for the love of crepes, grow some balls. How is anyone going to take you seriously when you let a vampire-wannabe and a man wearing a frickin' skirt use you like a paper towel?"
"Frere, I..." Julian mumbled, losing his words. His brother had a point, albeit he made it so rudely. If he didn't start becoming a bit more assertive, he'd be lost to the cruelness of the world. He'd just become another stepping stone in someone else's achievements.

Antoine sighed, rubbing his temple. "Pardon...I shouldn't be so...harsh. I know you're trying. I can see that. But you're worrying too much about your competition. You aren't realizing that even if he seems to have it all, you have the advantage. You know Gabe. You know what makes him tick. Use that to your advantage for once." Julian stared at his brother, noticing the softness that now accompanied his words.
"I have faith in you, Jules..." He said, pulling the coffee cups to himself. His vision wasn't focused on Julian but Julian knew he meant every word he said. "In the end, I see you and that...creepy...creepy crossdresser walking down an aisle. Whether you or him will be wearing the dress is left to be decided." Julian snorted, trying to stifle a laugh.
"Thank you, Antoine." Julian rested his hand on his brother's, finding great warmth and newfound happiness. Antoine gave a small smile, though it appeared uncomfortable.
"Yeah, yeah...now let go of my hand. I don't want your wussy germs."

His talk with his brother had definately left him with a bounce to his step. He returned home and began to unwind. He relaxed on the couch, all his worries falling into the back of his head as his mind focused on trying to find a talk show that wasn't about infidelity, wild teens or weight loss. He must've dozed off, for when he awoke by the shrill sounds of his phone, there was a small line of drool down his chin. Wiping himself clean, he walked into the kitchen and answered.
"Hello?" He asked politely.
"Hey. You. Come downstairs. I need to talk to you." The voice on the other side was loud, causing him to recoil from the phone.
"Al? What? Where are you?"
"Downstairs, duh. Hurry up."
"Why don't you come up?"
"Fuck that. You know my policy about elevators. Evil...get your gay ass down here." The click told him that further badgering was pointless. He'd been issued his order. He had to follow or risk being body slammed by a woman with an alcohol problem. Yikes.

Julian turned off his television, put the phone back on the reciever and left his apartment. He walked into the hall and entered one of the elevators. He rested against the elevator wall, waiting to reach the lobby. Aleera didn't often pay him visits. They weren't close friends, after all. They knew each other simply because they knew each other's siblings. It wasn't that Julian didn't like the girl, though. She was nice, for the most part. But she was just so brash and loud, it clashed with his nature. Still, if she wanted to talk, he wasn't going to resist. He owed her, after all, for introducing him to his number one problem. Though, thinking about it now, maybe she owed him.
The elevator door opened and Julian stepped out, approaching the woman who stood some feet away. She appeared bored and annoyed. Inside, a part of him wanted to run and hide. She was scary when she was annoyed. "Well, Aleera? What brings you to my part of the neighborhood? Did Faye forget something?" Julian asked. The woman shook her head.
"No. But she is why I'm here. Seems you met Suicide, huh?"
"Sui...Suicide?" Julian asked, confused. The girl growled.
"Ugh...Zack! I'm talking about him. You know. The creepy molestor-looking guy."
"Ah. Right...but why did you call hi-?"
"Nickname. Don't ask. Anyway, I wanted to know what went on with you two. Faye said you seemed bummed. Do you need me to kick him in the balls?" Julian laughed nervously. Inside, he knew she was being completely serious.
"It's nothing, really. I appreci-"
"Don't lie to me, boy. I know you're lying."
"Fine, you caught me. Isn't it obvious what went on? He met Gabe..." Aleera's mouth opened slightly before a playful grin appeared.
"Really? Excellent." Julian frowned. Why did she seem not bothered by this?

"Ah...how is this excellent?" Julian asked, hoping she had a good reason. The girl blinked for a moment, confused.
"Ah...well. Excellent for me. Not for you, I guess. See, if Suicide meets Gabe and likes what he sees...he will leave me alone!" She grinned in her own genius. Julian shook his head. He should have figured that was what made her happy. "But yeah...it does suck for you, huh? I mean....You like Gabe but Gabe's had a crush on Zack for a while now. He's always liked the jerkwads...strange boy." Aleera's words trailed off as she thought to herself. Julian sighed, rubbing his arm. She was just pointing out the obvious now.
"Al, as much as I love having you visit...was there another reason you came?"
"Geez, this whole thing has you upset, huh?"
"I suppose."
"Then why don't you just go drag Gabe back here and...I dunno...seduce him?" Julian laughed at the thought.
"I don't think so, for one....I don't even know where he is."
"Well, I do. Well...not really. Just got an idea. I think I know my brother well enough to predict his actions. Something tells me he's probably stalking Suicide right now so if I were you, I'd check places where he hangs out. I know of a few."
"That's sweet but I don't think so."

The girl growled and suddenly gave him a quick poke on his chest. Her strong, bony finger actually hurt him. "Ow! What was that for?" Julian asked, both angry and hurt as his hand rubbed the sore spot. The woman crossed her arms, her eyes filled with annoyance.
"That's bullcrap. Look, I'm being nice today. I am willing to help you out and give up my OWN chance at freedom." Her expression softened and she appeared more sincere and thoughtful, "To be honest...I don't want Gabe to be caught in Suicide's web too. He's too good a kid to be, you know? My brother....he deserves someone like you, Jules. And you deserve someone like him. But unlike you, he hasn't realized that yet. You need to help him to." Aleera looked at Julian, uncomfortable in the words she spoke. Julian nodded slowly.
"I know...but I don't know if he'd listen," Julian offered an excuse.
"Then make him." Aleera crossed her arms, "Then make him...I don't care how you do it." Julian sighed. She was determined. Everyone was determined. He should be too.
"Alright...where do you want me to go first?"
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