Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Beep. Beep. "Alright, alright..." Julian groaned, his mind coming to a focus. For the last half hour, he had heard a strange beeping noise. It came out of nowhere, interrupting his dream about red bean paste. He finally realized it wasn't in his dream at all. It was his alarm clock. "Why did I even set you?" He asked the inanimate object groggily. He turned it off, yawning once more and stretched. He slowly rose to his feet and walked to his dresser. He opened it and took out his clothes for the day. He then made his way to the bathroom.

Julian wasn't a dirty man. He showered every morning and every night, brushed his teeth several times a day and kept his living environment clean. In fact, the shine of his turquoise bathroom was almost blinding. Then again, he was currently without his glasses. He was blind anyway. He rummaged through the linen cabinet, pulling out a dry towel and wash cloth. He placed his clothes and the towel on a small table before undressing. He let the shower start, waiting for the water to get warm before he entered. Once done, he dried and dressed himself. Then he stood in front of the mirror. He immediately put on his glasses. His eyes were lost without them. He then took up his soft brush and tangoed with his hair. It was a submissive partner, falling into place long enough to be tied back into a low ponytail. He looked at himself with some pride. "Mm. Not bad."

His stomach rumbled. He was significantly hungry this morning. It was most likely due to skipping dinner. He decided to hold off on brushing his teeth, instead opting to fix himself something to eat. But he failed to realize that while he was away yesterday, his sister had taken it upon herself to clean out his fridge. "Silly little Faye..." He spoke, though sweet and gentle, with slight annoyance. All that was left for him were a few energy drinks. They would have to do. He had to settle his stomach somehow.

He looked over at the newspaper beside him. It was old but he never got around to throwing it away. He pulled it closer to him, reading one of the smaller articles. "New library opened up, huh?" Julian was a fan of literature. He never got much time to pleasure read, though. But today was his day off and he wanted to do something enjoyable. Maybe a nice visit to the library would be the thing for him. After he finished his drink, he wrote down the directions to the library and walked to the bus stop. Along the way, he couldn't help but think, 'I need a car.'

The building was so large. "No wonder it was in the paper.." Julian cooed in awe as he entered. The inside was just as large and decadent in taste. There were priceless paintings, chandeliers and plush furniture. There were many people inside, though it was hushed and serene. Julian explored a bit, following various genre signs. He came to a small corner of the library when he made his choice. "Contemporary nice." He browsed the shelves, selecting a book that appeared interesting and settled down. He sighed happily as he began to read. This was nice. This was very nice.

He was so immersed in the book, he barely felt the slight pressure of someone sitting down beside him. He recognized someone was there but thought nothing of it. He flipped a page, only tearing his eyes away when the person spoke. "Hey there." His eyes widened and he put his book down, looking to his side. It couldn't be. But it was. Sitting beside him was Zackariah. Where did he come from? Why was he here? The raven-haired man looked bored, his vacant eyes lazily staring at Julian.
"...Zackariah? What...?" Julian tried to ask but was far too confused. He wasn't expecting him at all. The man seemed intrigued when Julian spoke his name.
"How did you figure out my name? Have you been spying on me?" He smirked, leaning in closer to the blonde boy. Julian fidgeted. The man had a strong aroma that was blinding him. He wanted to get away.
"Mutual friend. know one of my friend's friends. Um....why are you here?"
"I was actually on a date but you worms are a bit boring so I ditched her in Fantasy and was on my way out when I saw you. I thought to myself, 'Hey! That's the guy from yesterday.' I never caught your name..."
"Because you never asked. Julian...Julian Beauvais et Bedeau."
"A french boy, huh? Kinky."

Julian sighed, closing his book. The man wasn't going to leave so he would leave instead. "Yes, was nice seeing you again. I should go, though." Just as he began to get up, Zackariah grabbed him and pulled him back down.
"Wait a minute. What's with you? I came here to say hello. Kinda rude to suddenly leave." The blonde man gave him an angered looking, causing Zackariah to pout playfully. "I thought we could be friends. I mean, you were so cool yesterday...what's wrong? Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?"
"Something like that..." Julian spoke softly, "I'd appreciate if you didn't touch me though."
"Yeah yeah." Zackariah released his grip, slouching with his legs spread. "You know what? Maybe it's this stuffy library that's making you odd. I know! Let's hit up that place you seem to like so much...Strawberry Bistro?"
"I do-"
"Perfect! Come on!" Zackariah jumped up and grabbed Julian's wrist, pulling the timid man to the exit. It was too late. He was but a fly in a spider web.

Julian sat quietly in the man's car. He tried to protest the entire way to the car but it seemed futile. Zackariah was just not listening. The man simply started up the car and drove. About 15 minutes in, he turned to Julian. "So what's your problem? You seem to lack your spark."
"It's nothing," Julian mumbled. He kept his eyes focused on the passing buildings. Zackariah fell silent afterwards.

Julian rushed inside once they reached the bistro. He just wanted to hide! He hoped his brother was in today. But according to the hostess, he wasn't. 'Damnit...' Julian cursed. There went his chance to hide behind his brother. Zackariah entered afterwards and dragged him to a small booth. There, he ordered coffee for the both of them. Again, noticing Julian's silence, he pestered again.
"Okay, listen. I know something is up with you. What? Don't like me anymore?" Julian shook his head, taking a sip of the coffee. Placing the cup down gently, he tried to word his explanation properly.
"It's not that. should I say this? friend has a bit of a crush on you and I'm just worried. You seem like a nice guy, Mr. Dimartino, but...after hearing you boast about abandoning some poor girl in the library..." Zackariah raised a brow and snorted.
"Your friend likes me? That's flattering. But look, I can't help it if people like me. I know you're just trying to protect your friend but dude...there's nothing I can do about who I am. Got it?"
Julian shrugged. Taking another sip, he simply looked away.

"Juuuuules!" Almost choking on the coffee, Julian spun his head.
"Oh god..."
"Oh la la , who is THAT?" Gabriel came running up to the table, smile as wide as a cheshire cat.
"Hey! I wasn't expecting you. You should have told me you were gonna do brunch. I would've came earlier." His eyes turned and widened when he saw the man sitting opposite of Julian. "Oh...oh. Hey." Julian shook his head. Target had been sighted. All methods of prevention had failed. Zachariah rubbed his chin, looking Gabriel up and down.
"Hey yourself. You...look familiar. Do I know you?"
"Um, well. Kinda. You know my sister. Aleera?"
"Aleera is your sister? Then you must be..."
"Gabriel. Yes. And you are Zachariah. I've heard so much about you..."

"Ahem!" Julian coughed, causing the two of them to look at him. "Excuse me." Zackariah seemed to understand, his eyes narrowing.
"I must be going. It was nice seeing you again, Julian. And nice meeting you, Gabriel. Say..." He changed subjects, moving closer to Gabriel. The skirt-clad boy seemed surprised, his body jolting slightly from the invasion of his space bubble. "How would you like to get together some time? Aleera tells me you are a fan of clubbing. I am as well." Gabriel giggled, his cheeks flushing red. This act made Julian want to vomit, even more so when Gabriel spoke.
"I would love to..." Zackariah grinned, taking Gabriel's hand gently. As his lips brushed against his hand, Julian felt the need to look away. What was he thinking? He was like a peacock with beautiful wings, showing off his plumage for the peahen that was Gabriel. It was sickening.

Zackariah waved at Julian and winked at Gabriel before turning away. Gabriel, too, turned away in suit. "Wait, Gabe! Weren't you going to join me?" Julian asked, voice cracking. Gabriel turned back to him, looking thoughtfully.
"Ah...well. I just decided I'm not all that hungry. In fact, I kinda promised Al to meet her today. I'll call you later, though. Maybe we can hang out then?" Julian nodded, forcing a smile.
"Oh, alright. I'll see you later then." His chest resonated with pain when he watched Gabriel walk away. This wasn't happening. It wasn't. He was still dreaming, right? Where was the beeping of his alarm clock? He could have sworn he just heard it.

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